Posted by: Amiga | April 7, 2008

Guarana is a ‘Smart Drug’ and an Aphrodisiac

You’ll keep going, and going, and going… the Duracell Battery Rabbit is outlasted by anyone whom has consumed this in one form or another. What is this “Smart Drug”, with the power to induce weight-loss, “help with endurance based activities”, promises to aid you with those awful hangovers, and make you “love a long time”. Hint…It’s Brazilian.

Guarana, named after a tribe in the Amazon. It’s stimulant ingredient is Guaranine, which is just like Cafeine. But without the side affects as studies have proven. It will however increase your heart rate, deprive you from sleep, keep you feeling so good you’ll loose your appetite, and oh yes, increase your bowel movements. Hmmm… well, theres always a price to pay to looking good, and engaging in “endurance based activities”.

This stuff really works and it’s not only found in Brazil, it’s worldwide., and in many forms. My first encounter with Guarana, was in Madrid Spain. I had just arrived from the United States with a friend on a 26 hour courier flight. Hungover, sleep deprived, injured. I had managed to twist my ankle running in my heels across the terminal at JFK airport dragging a massive large black duffle bag resembling a body bag stuffed with a couple of people. This was literally and month prior to September 11, so two drunk women dragging a 6 foot large stuffed black duffle bag in heels did not seem to be a cause for alarm by airport security and after I tripped and toppled over but was still being dragged along by my friends holding the other end of the bag, racing to get to the terminal. I was allowed to bring it on the plane and amuse the fellow passengers while we attempted to shove it in an overhead compartment. What was in this bag? There was absolutely nothing of use on my trip in this bag.

Back to Guarana, so 26 hours later and limping on a mission to paint the the town red or at least just to long enough to stay up and find a place to eat. My friend runs off and returns with, Guarana in pills. I wished I had known the powers behind this. I let her shove more than just the ONE instructed on the bottle in my mouth and I quickly washed it down with…

Guarana Soft drink, and some Guarana power

bars, and the gum too!!! Not recommended all at one time. This stuff had us so wired the scene last that day was of us break dancing with a bunch of Spaniard street breakers at a underground after hour club, for TWO DAYS. And I don’t Break Dance, let alone in the same heels I twisted my ankle with! I swore I was that girl from the 80’s movie “Break Dancing”, but I looked cuter;]

My appetite was suppressed and I did not feel in the least bit tired. I probably could have continued this way for days. But I think by the second night as I danced, correction, dragged my Guarana charged self into the restroom and looked at myself in the mirror, the part that claims Guarana makes you look and feel good wasn’t working for me, I looked a messed, so I ran back to the hostel before daylight reappeared and waited for the increased bowel movements to occur in hope of getting this stuff out of my system so I could finally sleep. My friend I suspect got a taste of the “Aphrodisiac affect of Guarana”, she didn’t return to our room till a few days after. hmmm….

Guarana is distributed worldwide. Pepsi and Coca Cola have their own version of the Guarana soft drink named Josta which is no longer made,  and there’s Kuat by Coca Cola which is still available. But the Brazilian prefer their own, and I do too it’s naturally sweet and taste so good. I’m hooked. I don’t drink soft drinks but I’m addicted to the Guarana’s. Does that count? I ‘ll start my mornings with it and by midday I’ve had consumed about 3 cups. I assume the roll of some sort of super hero by the time I get to my afternoon Capoiera class. Sparing, acrobatics, able to leap tall men in a single bound, I’m able to do all sorts of high endurance activities. By the evening, since there is always some sort of outdoors concert in Salvador da Bahia, I’ll have a few more to keep me going.

I really hope those Guarana researchers haven’t gotten their results all mixed up, and this stuff has no side affects. Everyone drinks or intakes Guarana in some form in Brazil. How do you think the get thru Carnival?


  1. Hi there,

    True! Guarana rocks big time.
    I got hooked on the softdrink in Salvador as well…
    And when I brought some guarana powder home and made two milkshakes with it (one teaspoon in each milkshake) I didn’t sleep that night.
    It really keeps you going doesn’t it.

    Greetings from a Capoeirista in Belgium 😉
    Axé e Abraço,

    PS: check out our social project in Boca do Rio

  2. GRAVATA oi Amigo tudo Legal?

    Tell be about it sure does!!! They should Guarana in the water naturally, lol

    I will certainly check out your project in Boca do Rio. Online as well as in person, I love hearing about these things, so I may spread the word as well.

    Abraços Forte ,

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