About Amigo Bahia


Oi Amigos/Hello Friends

Salvador da Bahia, Brazil is filled with so much Axe /good vibes, the adventures here are endless. I am a female traveler who lived in New York. I grew to love each visit to Bahia so much… (suspenseful music plays), I packed my bags, resigned my post and relocated.


A decision which received mixed reaction from friends, family, and co-workers. These wonderful people whom have been part of my daily life as a New Yorker, displayed everything from excitement, inspiration, genuine fear or doubt for me. And suddenly it seemed everyone I met with the news reciprocated by turning into a Talk Show host on me. So many different questions. But mostly, “WHY”? Why Salvador da Bahia, and not, Rio de Janeiro, or Sao Paulo, Brazil. Or why not that cute little Island they featured on Globe Trekker the other day. I realized no matter how I answered and tried to reassure everyone I had no doubt that this is where I wanted to be, not too many people are familiar with Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.


So to answer some of those questions, and as I embark on new adventures while traveling, “The City of Happiness”, I have created this blog. Hope you can find some time during your break to join me.




  1. Oi amiga,
    Good luck on this project. I’ll be back.
    Eric (from flickr)

  2. Oi/Hello Eric todo legal?
    A Million Thank U’s. I hope you enjoy the journey. I look forward to viewing your wonderful photography work as well. You spent all those years in Bahia? WOW!!!
    Sending you a warm embrace,

    Let me know when your back in Bahia ta’ bom?

  3. hey jules..I added your link to my blog!
    glad to see you pop by and comment, i read it everyday.

    Jen Ramos
    ‘100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards’

  4. FAla ae amigo blog muito bomm, isso ajuda na imagem do país e você esta fazendo um ótimo trabalho, se tiver interessado em parceria de links seria ótimo. Obrigado, fui.

    Saudações do Rio de Janeiro.

  5. Oi Marcos
    Valeu, que boa sopresa!!! Muito obrigada a voce. Gostei muito de seu Blog.
    A gente fala ta bom?
    Beijos e abraços,

    Hey everyone Marcos has a wonderful Techie Blog you guys should check out. It’s translated too so if you don’t read Portuguese you can still find out great tips for your PCs

  6. I love this blog!
    I haven’t red much yet, but I’ll be sure to catch up!


  7. Oi Amigo Xixarro
    Nossa! AWESOME! THANK YOU SO MUCH, what a pleasant surprise. I Look forward to bringing a you more news, tips, and tales filled with colors and smiles.

    Muito axe para voce!

  8. ê ai Julissa
    Wonderful reaction, so enthousiastic!

    I’m gonna advise my readers to come over here and take a look as well. I hope you don’t mind 😉

    Abraço, bjs

  9. E aí Julissa? Tudo bem?

    I got here following the link on Xix’ blog.
    I truely understand why you packed your bags and went off to live there.
    Starting up a project in Boca do Rio, SA, I went to Brasil the for the very first time (some 7y ago), a trip organized by our capoeira mestre, who lives here in Belgium.
    Salvador has enchanted me since.

    The last couple of years I’ve been spending my holidays in São Luis, MA though, ’cause my girlfriends parents live there. But this year I’m giong for a quick trip to Salvador again, just for a short week to visit some old friends.
    I’ll be staying in Itapuã, close to the farol. Who knows, we’ll run into eachother.


  10. i wish you a lot of fun whith youre site.Axé Abraço,Batoré.

  11. Cantor Oi Amigo
    Tudo Bom, e voce? How are you? Na Boca do Rio? I’m quite familiar with that area as well as Itapua Which i must admit is my Favorite. It would fantastic to one day meet. Keep me posted I will certainly Visit Xiarro’s blog and the Mundo Capoeira Kempen for the latest Capoeira news from all of you. Have you gotten a chance to visit FLICKRs Capoeira Photo Groups? They have a wonderful community which is growing bigger and Bigger every month, Check it out, if you haven’t it’s another great Capoeira Network as well.
    Abrços Forte,

  12. Batore Oi como vai voce? How are you, Thank you so much!!! I hope we continue to keep in touch from afar! It’s great that we all share something so special in common!

  13. E aí Julissa? Yes, I have visited the capoeira group on Flickr, they do have very nice pics, from artistic to realistic.
    Nice to here you’ll be following our activities through our sites. We’ll keep in touch and in october, a gente se ver por aí.

  14. Muito obrigado.Yes indeed.I love Capoeira a lot.i loved youre site keep going on. Abraços.Axé.Aluno Batoré Mundo Capoeira Mestre Dendé Belgica.

  15. Wow relocating! That’s must have been such a cool experience and such an adventure!
    All the best!

    How’s the language? is it difficult?

  16. ola amiga

    Tudo bem?

    i saw this on the blog of xixarro it’s really a great site
    and yes i’m also from the capoeira group mundo capoeira
    i will come visti often this site i have placed you with my favourites so i can come often to this site tho see the new stuff

    keep going on like this great work


  17. R.becca Oi Amiga/Hello
    Thank you for dropping by, I hope all is beautiful on your end. The Language I was able to grasp little by little, not to difficult, unless someones gets excited and tells me a joke really fast or it’s an emergency and they are telling me I better start running fast because something is happening, it’s kinda hard to stop oneself to try and remember what certain words are if someone is looking at you with a frightening expression. It is exciting each day, just discovery new things. It feels like when we are young and we learn about things as children, we can’t help but to be fascinated or feel happy to have done certain unfamiliar things on your own. Ofcourse I have to be honest and say It can be frustrating at times, and you miss certain things and people from back home, but Bahia can be so magical, you quickly get cast under a spell and move on to another day. Have you had a chance to visit yet?

  18. Valeu Pilao, que bela sorpresa de Capoeirista, muito legal seu grupo Mundo Capoeira, gosto de a boa enegia!!!
    I love this great energy you all have, I too look forward to following up and reading more Mundo Capoeira News!!! Maybe we’ll all get to Jogar at some point somewhere between our destinations, how cool would that be?!?!
    Beijos e Abraços Pilao,

  19. Hi Julissa!!
    Muito obrigado pelo comentário, eu fui bem na semana de testes, eu vou colocar mais coisas para você de Apple,


  20. No I haven’t, seems like I should!

    And feel free to add me to your blogroll, I will add you of course in return… Makes it easier for me to get here and remember me I should visit your blog. I tend to forget things too fast.

    I hope you had a nice and warm day!
    And keep telling us about your adventure!

  21. hey girl….2 weeks. You better not leave to BRAZIL…

    Jen Ramos
    ‘100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards’

  22. Amiga, como está a visita? Ainda no Brasil?

  23. Hello I am from Canada and visiting Bahia in July. Can you tell me whether it’s a safe place to visit. I want to rent a car and travel up the coast. Do you recommend it? Also what is the weather like in July. Will I be able to go swimming. Any places I should visit and that will be memorable. Any advice/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

  24. 🙂 hows it going? busy i hope!

  25. Oi Julissa, quanto tempo! como voce está? beios fui.

  26. Wow relocating! That’s must have been such a cool experience and such an adventure!
    All the best!

  27. by the way…i like that byline…wish you were here….and the smaller text too on the site.

    Jen Ramos
    ‘100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards & More’

  28. Oi amiga! I live in NYC and thinking of moving down to bahia (finally). I’ve visited every year for the last 5 years for a couple weeks at a time. Anyway, on my last trip–I realized, I’m happiest here (salvador), so why exactly do I live in ny? Sooo…I’m trying to get a plan together so I can spend a good 6 months there. Do you have any advice on what needs to be in order before you leave? And the approximate monthly cost of living?
    any help would be great!!!

  29. Hello , I just saw this blog. I am going to Salvador Brasil in a few weeks and would like to meet a nice woman who lives in Bahia . I am interested in the history and art of Salvador. Anyone who would like to show me around Salvador please let me know. Thank you Vance

  30. I love your site!

    Experiencing a slow PC recently? Fix it now!

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